Assistive Technology – Shareware, Freeware and Demos

Looking for software to make life easier? This page lists web sites that offer adaptive software at little or no charge.
Apple Computer – Disability Resources
Download Apple’s “Easy Access” features for the Macintosh, or visit its Shareware Library for specialized Apple software, Apple emulators, braille utilities, communication, control panel extensions/utilities, keyboard modifications, sign language, resources, talking software, and other shareware.
Macintosh Disability Shareware and Freeware
Scott Norris’s collection of disability shareware and freeware for the Mac can be downloaded from this page.
Screen Magnifiers Homepage
Peter Verhoeven’s excellent site on computer programs for large print and voice access includes downloadable versions of many screen magnifier, screen review, and alternative mouse software products.
Trace Center – Software Toolkits
A great collection of accessibility freeware and shareware for Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows 95/98, and UNIX and Linux systems. Includes software for people with all kinds of sensory and physical disabilities.
Training and Technical Assistance Center for Professionals Serving Students with Disabilities – TAC Shareware/Public Domain Library
These programs for DOS, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 include fun, language arts, math, science, social studies, and teacher utilities.
Virtual Assistance Technology Center
An excellent collection of freeware and shareware for Macs, DOS and Windows.
Related Subjects
Assistive Technology (Index)
Resources in your state
Disability Resources Monthly frequently features books, pamphlets, videos, organizations, and other resources about assistive technology.