Disability Resources for Cancer

The Internet is filled with information about preventing, diagnosing, treating, and coping with cancer. Since most of these sites are primarily medical, and Disability Resources’ focus is nonmedical, it would be beyond our scope and mission to keep up with all of them. Rather, we have listed a handful of sites that are particularly comprehensive, authoritative, and current. If you need to explore online resources beyond these sites, we recommend the National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship’s CanSearch: Online Guide to Cancer Resources and the Cancer Research Institute’s Cancer Patient’s Resource Websites.

American Cancer Society (ACS)
This national nonprofit organization provides a wealth of consumer-oriented news and information on early detection, prevention, and treatment, as well as information about the organization and its services.

National Cancer Institute Resources for Patients
Authoritative information about your type of cancer, as well as information on a wide range of cancer topics and the latest cancer research.

CancerCare’s Helping Hand provides resources for people with cancer including financial and practical help.

Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, OncoLink offers an extensive and well-organized array of information and resources. Topics covered include specific types of cancer; medical specialties that deal with cancer; psychosocial support and personal experiences; cancer causes, screening, and prevention; clinical trials; global resources; cancer FAQs; symptom management; conferences and meetings; financial issues for patients; and book reviews.

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