Ventilator Use

Check these sites for information and support for people who use ventilators.
International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN)
“IVUN links ventilator users with each other and with health care professionals interested in mechanical ventilation and home care.” Its web site includes an online edition of IVUN’s excellent resource directory, back issues of its newsletter, and more.
Vent Users’ Support Page (J. Lubin)
An extensive list of links to informational and commercial sites relating to ventilator use. Includes the archives of New Horizons, a newsletter for people who use ventilators.
Vent World
Created by Amethyst Research LLC, this is a comprehensive resource devoted to mechanical ventilators. It offers up-to-date information about products, news, events, and training, from suppliers, professional societies, news organizations, and community members. Interactive tools help visitors with product comparison, evaluation, and purchasing decisions.
VENT-USERS-LIST Discussion Group
Information and archives of a listserv for ventilator users.
Ventilatory Care in Patients with SCI
A basic overview from Spinal Cord Injury Update.
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