
Welcome to Inclusion & Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide

In 1996, Disability Resources received a grant from the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council to research and compile an annotated guide to multicultural, multimedia materials about inclusion and parent advocacy. Originally designed as a buying guide for libraries, this comprehensive resource tool describes 265 books, videotapes, pamphlets, and other materials that can help libraries, parents, educators, child care centers, and other service providers plan for and implement inclusion. This following sections of the guide can be accessed from this web site.

Introduction describes the importance of inclusion and the need for information by parents and educators.

Legal Rights provides a short description of the legal basis for inclusion.

Inclusion Terminology briefly explains commonly used procedural terminology; the difference between inclusion, full inclusion, mainstreaming and integration; and various techniques and strategies used to implement inclusion.

Contents – the table of contents of the guide.

Sample Entry – a sample of an entry for a book listed in the guide.

Complete Title List – an alphabetical list of the 265 books, videotapes and other resources included in the guide.



Inclusion & Parent Advocacy; A Resource Guide is available on loan from many schools and libraries. It can also be purchased for small fee. Click here for more information.

Be sure to visit … The DRM WebWatcher Inclusion Web Sites

(c) 1997-2013 Disability Resources, inc.