Publications List

Keep up to date with all the latest disability resources – online and off. Here’s a quick guide to Disability Resources’ publications and services. Click the titles for more information.


The Newsletter That Monitors, Reviews and Reports on Resources for Independent Living
Looking for books or other resources about travel, sports, the A.D.A., education, inclusion, assistive technology…? Our award-winning newsletter features topical articles, reviews, and news about free, inexpensive, and hard-to-find books, pamphlets, videotapes, online sources, and organizations. The perfect tool for libraries, independent living centers, health, social service and education professionals, and interested individuals. No advertising.
The DRM Spinal Center
This special 4-page guide to books, videotapes and other resources about spinal cord injury and dysfunction (SCI/D) was included in every issue of Disability Resources Monthly (DRM) from August 1998 through July 1999. Each issue focused on a different aspect of living with SCI/D. The DRM Spinal Center was distributed free of charge to all DRM subscribers, and to two thousand public libraries throughout the United States, through a grant from the Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Injury Education and Training Foundation. Back issues are available.
Inclusion & Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide (OUT OF PRINT)
An extensive, annotated resource guide designed to help librarians, educators, parents, and other service providers identify publications and audiovisual materials that will help them understand, plan, and implement inclusive programs.
Disability Information at Your Fingertips – NEW THIRD EDITION
Our popular subject guide to the toll-free telephone numbers and world wide web addresses of over 500 national nonprofit organizations and government agencies.
Living Well with a Disability: How Libraries Can Help
The role libraries can and should play in meeting the informational needs of people with disabilities (article).
An Enabling Collection for People with Disabilities
Annotated guide to books on independent living for public libraries (article).
Toy Story – How to Select and Buy Adaptive Toys
Includes a guide to publications and product catalogs (article).

(c) 1997-2013 Disability Resources, inc.