
Deriving from the Greek meaning “difficulty with words,” dyslexia is a learning disability characterized by problems in expressive or receptive, oral or written language. It is commonly associated with reading difficulties.
This personal home page by George Row is somewhat dated, but offers a comprensive set of links to dyslexia-specific resources.
Dyslexia Archive
Though not always applicable to American audiences, this British site includes some valuable information, including excellent FAQs and categorized information sheets for parents, dyslexic adults and youngsters, educators and professionals working in the field.
Dyslexia Teacher
This comprehensive website for educators includes news and research, resources, case studies, teaching methods, contacts, assessment, books, advice, and more. Editor’s note: this site appears to be one of a series of sites under the umbrella “World of Dyslexia”; the others, which seem more commercial, include dyslexia-test, dyslexia-parent, dyslexia-adults, dyslexia-magazine, and dyslexia-journal.
International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
The homepage of the former Orton Dyslexia Society includes information about dyslexia, technology, legal issues, conferences, a bulletin board, online magazine, and more.
This section of LDOnline includes a wide array of articles, news, and resources about dyslexia for parents and teachers.
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