
Self-determination is the right of people with disabilities to make choices about their own lives, to have the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else, and to speak and advocate for themselves. Find out more on these web sites.
All Things Considered: Self-Determination at Work
National Public Radio takes a look at new efforts to make financial assistance work better for people with developmental disabilities. Includes an audio clip of writer/activist Joseph Shapiro’s report on one family’s story in U.S. News & World Report, and some useful links.
Alliance for Self-Determination
Based at the Oregon Health Sciences University, the Alliance for Self-Determination is “an association open to organizations and individuals who have demonstrated the capacity to contribute to research, dissemination and training in self-determination and the ability to advance the Alliance’s mission at a national, state or regional level.” Its web site includes an overview of self-determination and information about the Alliance.
Center for Self-Determination
“The Center for Self-Determination is not a place. It is a highly interactive working collaborative of individuals and organizations committed to the principles of self-determination. The purpose of the collaborative is to change the nature of the support and service system for individuals with disabilities….” The Center’s nicely designed website includes a wide range of articles, a guide to self-determination sites in each state, events, and links.
Center on Human Policy – Publications by John O’Brien and Connie Lyle O’Brien
The O’Briens write extensively on self-determination and related issues. Many of their articles are available on this web site.
National Program Office on Self-Determination
The well-designed website of a Robert Woods Johnson Foundation project, this site provides information about self-determination, a variety of discussion groups, calendar of events, newsletter and links.
S.A.B.E. Self Advocates Becoming Empowered
On August 2,1991, over 800 self-advocates from across the U.S. and Canada meet in Nashville for the second North American People First Conference; S.A.B.E. grew out of that conference. Its web site includes information about the organization and related links.
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