Home » Disabling Conditions
- Albinism refers to a group of inherited conditions that affect about one person in 17,000. The bodies of people with albinism do not produce the usual amounts of a pigment known as malanin, regardless of their race or ethnicity. As a result, individuals with albinism have little or no pigment in their eyes, skin, or hair. For more information, check these sites.
- Albinism
- An overview from the Medlineplus Medical Encyclopedia.
- Albinism in Popular Culture
- A fascinating look at albinism in art, fiction, and film.
- International Albinism Center at the University of Minnesota
- This site includes an excellent online booklet, glossary, and clinical review.
- National Organization for Albinism & Hypopigmentation (NOAH)
- NOAH’s website provides information about albinism and NOAH through a series of interactive “WebBoards” and a collection of fact sheets about a wide variety of topics of interest to people with albinism.
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