If you’re involved in planning a conference or meeting, you’ll want to make sure it is accessible to individuals with disabilities. These resources provide practical information and guidance.
The Need for Auxiliary Aids at Events, Conferences or Meetings Held in Places of Public Accommodation
This legal overview from the National Association of the Deaf describes the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act for public accommodations as they relate to sign language interpreters and devices for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Planning Accessible Meetings: Part III – Making Your Presentations and Materials Accessible
Part of a series of articles on planning accessible meetings from the Axis Center, this article focuses on how to set up meeting rooms to accommodate everyone, how to prepare speakers to present information in a way that everyone can understand, and how to ensure that all conference materials are offered in alternate formats.
See Through Barriers: Making Conferences & Events Accessible to People Who Are Blind
These suggestions from the Canadian Abilities Foundation focus on meeting access for blind or visually impaired people. Topics covered include meeting announcements, facilities, registration, starting the event, chairing the event, presenters, luncheons and receptions, and exhibits and displays.
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