The biggest barriers people with disabilities encounter are other people. These sites dispel some of the stereotypes and misinformation about people with disabilities and provide non-disabled people with information that will help them feel more comfortable.
Access and Opportunities: A Guide to Disability Awareness
This online guide was “prepared by VSA arts as an informational tool for those who want to gain additional knowledge about disability and tips for social etiquette and positive interactions with people with disabilities.” It includes both general and disability-specific information.
The Center for an Accessible Society
A project of Exploding Myths, Inc., a media enterprise company, this federally-funded center “is designed to focus public attention on disability and independent living issues by disseminating information developed through NIDRR-funded research to promote independent living.” This nicely designed web site offers a variety of news articles, resources, and opinions about important disability issues.
Disability Access Symbols
Produced by the Graphic Artists Guild Foundation, this site features 12 downloadable EPS symbols that may be used to promote and publicize accessibility of places, programs and other activities for people with various disabilities.
Disability Awareness in the United States
Developed by the U.S. Department of State “to inform audiences worldwide as to current developments in the United States on the subject at hand,” this site includes official texts, key documents, articles, government agencies, law, court decisions, and background. Information about President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative is also provided.
Disability Etiquette
This brochure from the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association provides pointers on how to relate to people with various disabilities. PDF format only.
Disability Etiquette Handbook
An excellent guide to etiquette for all occasions from the City of San Antonio Disability Access Office.
NICHCY Bibliography – Resources You Can Use: Disability Awareness #BIB13
Describes curriculum, books, children’s books, videos, posters and other merchandise.
A Resource Guide To Working With Entrepreneurs With Disabilities
Produced by the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies, this online guide provides practical guidance for working with potential and existing entrepreneurs with disabilities, including appropriate terminology, etiquette, and communication techniques.