Disability Studies

The emerging field of disability studies encompasses a broad range of academic, humanitarian and social disciplines. General web sites for and about the study of disabilities are followed by listings of specific university-based programs.
General Information
The Center on Human Policy (CHP)
The Center on Human Policy is “a Syracuse University based policy, research, and advocacy organization involved in the national movement to insure the rights of people with disabilities…. The Center’s staff and associates include educators, human services professionals, people with disabilities, graduate students, and family members of children and youth with disabilities.” The Center’s web site includes information about the Center as well as some of its resources, including an excellent Information Package on Disability Studies.
Disability Information for Students and Professionals
Geared “for students from around the world studying to support and work for individuals with disabilities,” this web site is packed with links relating to learning, employment, and disabilities. Communication opportunities are available through bulletin boards and forums.
The National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR)
The web site of a pilot project designed to help NIDDR funded researchers publicize the results of their research. This site features a wide range of dissemination and utilization resources for researchers.
Society for Disability Studies (SDS)
The web site of a nonprofit organization “composed of social scientists, scholars in the humanities, disability rights advocates, providers, and agency personnel concerned with people with disabilities.” SDS seeks “to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to share ideas and to engage in dialogues that cut across disciplinary backgrounds and substantive concerns. ” The site includes information about the organization and its meetings, as well as a few articles and links.
Specific University-Based Programs
Canadian Centre on Disability Studies
Center on Disability Studies (Hawaii University Affiliated Program)
Centre for Disability Studies (Linköping University, Sweden)
Centrum för Handikappforskning (Uppsala Universitet)
Department of Disability and Human Development (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Disability Research Unit (DRU) (University of Leeds, UK)
Disability Studies Concentration (Syracuse University)
Institute for Human Development (Northern Arizona University)
Institute on Disability (University of New Hampshire)
Related Subjects
Disabilities – General
Disability Culture
History of Disability

(c) 1997-2013 Disability Resources, inc.