- Searching for disability information on the ‘Net? These meta sites are extensive collections of links to other online disability resources. Most of them are very well organized and/or provide easy-to-use search engines. Even though we think that The DRM WebWatcher is the best place to start, other meta sites may be better suited to your needs. For more information about meta sites, see our guide to finding disability information on the Internet.
- Cornucopia of Disability Information (CODI)
- Sponsored by the University of Buffalo, this is an extensive but somewhat uneven guide to online resources in various categories, such as aging, assistive technology, bibliographic info, children, college, employment, government documents, hearing impairments, statistics, and traveling.
- DAWWN (Disability Advocacy Work With Networking)
- A pretty good list of disability links, arranged by broad category. The brief annotations are helpful.
- disABILITY Information and Resources (Jim Lubin)
- A truly massive compilation of links: if there’s a disability site on the Internet, Jim Lubin has probably found it. An effort is made to organize the sites thematically, but it is not entirely successful. A search engine facilitates access.
Disability Resources, inc. – The DRM WebWatcher You’re already here – so check it out for yourself! The DRM WebWatcher links to thousands of sites, which are arranged alphabetically by subject. There is a comprehensive index to all of the subjects, as well as quicker-loading ABC indexes. A companion site, The DRM Regional Resource Directory, features hundreds of local disability organizations arranged by state.
- The Family Village
- A “global community that integrates information, resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with mental retardation and other disabilities, their families, and those that provide them services and supports.” The “village” features a library, coffee shop, hospital, shopping mall, post office, house of worship, school, recreation & leisure, community center, bookstore, and university. Check The Library for the extensive collection of links.
- Editor’s note: while still an excellent resource, this site does not appear to have been updated since 1999.
- Health & Disability Index Page
- An extensive meta site, alphabetical by topic, from the British-based Ability organization. Unfortunately, there appears to be little or no selection criteria, and many of the listings are not disability-related.
- Untangling the Web
- An extensive list of links from the West Virginia Rehabilitation Research & Training Center, broadly arranged by subject. We’ve had occasional difficulty accessing the overly long page and some of the links.
- Related Subjects
- Disabilities – Databases
- Disabilities – General
- Health and Medicine – General
- Internet Communities for People with Disabilities
- Resources in your state