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- The following is an alphabetical list of titles described in Inclusion and Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide (c) 1996 Disability Resources, inc. – All Rights Reserved.
- A
- ABCs of Inclusive Child Care
- Achieving Inclusion Through the IEP Process: A Workbook for Parents
- Action for Inclusion: How to Improve Schools by Welcoming Children With Special Needs into Regular Classrooms
- ADA Mandate for Social Change, The
- Adapting Early Childhood Curricula for Children in Inclusive Settings
- Adapting Instruction for Mainstreamed and At-Risk Students
- ADHD: Inclusive Instruction and Collaborative Practices
- Advocacy for Deaf Children
- Advocacy Skills Training Program
- Advocate’s Guide to the Media, An
- Alike and Different: Exploring our Humanity With Young Children
- All Kids Count: Child Care and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
- All My Life’s a Circle: Using the Tools: Circles, MAPS & PATH
- All of Us Together: The Story of Inclusion at the Kinzie School
- “Aqui Se Habla Espanol”: Designing and Implementing an Inclusive Foreign Language Program
- Arc, The