The following articles by Disability Resources Monthly editor Julie Klauber focus on the informational needs of people with disabilities and how libraries can meet them. You can probably find these publications in your local public library; if not, we will be happy to provide reprints.
Living Well with a Disability: How Libraries Can Help
This cover story in the November 1998 issue of American Libraries (pp. 52-55) describes the role libraries can and should play in meeting the informational needs of people with disabilities.
An Enabling Collection for People with Disabilities
This bibliographic guide to books on independent living for public libraries appeared Library Journal (April 1, 1997, pp. 53-56).
Toy Story – How to Select and Buy Adaptive Toys
This article on adaptive toys and toy resources appeared in School Library Journal (July 1996, pp. 22-25). A guide to publications and product catalogs is included.