Disability Information at Your Fingertips is an invaluable resource tool for libraries, disability organizations, health and social service agencies, schools and colleges, private practitioners, companies, and consumers.
The new third edition (2000) of this popular, inexpensive guide for and about people with disabilities:
- Lists over 500 national nonprofit organizations and government agencies, including 200 new listings
- Includes toll-free telephone numbers, world wide web addresses, and special phone numbers for telecommunications devices for the deaf (tdd/tty/tt) and bilingual services when available
- Is conveniently alphabetically arranged by subject/disability – easy to read, easy to use
- Covers a wide variety of topics, such as accessibility, arts, assistive technology, children, employment, legal rights, and recreation, as well as hundreds of specific disabilities.
- Contains over 70 information-packed pages
- Is spiral bound so that it will lie flat for easier handling
Significant discounts are available for bulk orders.
Get ordering information.
(c) 1997-2013 Disability Resources, inc.