Employment – General

Jobs: how do you get them, where do you get them, what can you do to improve your chances…? These sites are geared for individuals with disabilities seeking employment, employers who want to know more about hiring people with disabilities, and policymakers.
Able to Work
Able to Work is a consortium of some of North America’s largest employers who are “dedicated to increasing the employment of people with disabilities through a coordinated effort.” College graduates with disabilities may use the site to explore online job postings or post their resumes for review by Fortune 1000 corporations.
The Association for Persons in Supported Employment (APSE)
APSE is “a membership organization formed to improve and expand integrated employment opportunities, services, and outcomes for persons experiencing disabilities.” Its website includes general information about supported employment and related links as well as information about the organization and its activities. Check the Products & Publications section for downloadable documents.
Chartbook on Work and Disability in the United States, 1998
This resource provides detailed statistical information on the relationship between disability and work. Useful for agencies, employers, organizations, policymakers, researchers and others.
Diversity at Work – National Job Opportunities Listing
Published three times a year, this listing of job opportunities seeks to attract candidates from a variety of backgrounds, including those with disabilities, for positions with major national employers.
EARN (Employment Assistance Referral Network)
Geared primarily for employers and service providers, this site provides information about a project launched in early 2001, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor, “to build a premier, national employment service that will increase the representation of people with disabilities in the workforce.”
Employment Resources for People with Disabilities
From the University of Minnesota, this one page list of links includes a wide variety of useful resources, including on- and off-line training programs, job placement services and other resources.
Part of President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative, this section of the DisabilityDirect.gov website offers links to government resources, services and websites relating to the employment of people with disabilities. Included are links relating to careers in information technology (IT), federal contracting, insurance, interviewing, job accommodations, job and resume banks, One-Stop Career Centers, personal assistance services, and much more. DisabilityDirect.gov also includes a separate section of resources for employers.
Employment, Earnings, and Disability
A statistical report based on U.S. Census Bureau data (pdf format).
eSight Careers Network
eSight is a website “where people who are visually impaired or physically disabled build resources for managing their careers.” After you register to join the network, you will find a wide variety of articles, discussion boards, and related resources for job-seekers, entrepreneurs, and employers. Some of the articles focus on hard-to-find topics such as internships and home-based businesses. The online newsletter is worth signing up for. The main focus is for people with visual impairments.
Facts About Employment Discrimination [link not working 12/30/01]
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) oversees the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This page of the EEOC web site includes links to a variety of EEOC publications about the ADA’s employment provisions.
GLADNET (Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment and Training)
This European organization brings together research centers, universities, government departments, trade unions, organizations representing disabled persons “for the promotion of research as well as the collection, analysis and international exchange of information concerning persons with disabilities in the world of work.” The web site includes an “infobase” of text documents and bibliographic references.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
A service of the President’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities, The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) “is not a job placement service, but an international toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with disabilities. JAN also provides information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).” The web site provides links to the U.S. and Canadian JAN networks, which contain information about JAN, job accommodations, the ADA, and related links.
Job Seeking Skills for People with Disabilities; A Guide to Success
This handbook for college students provides information about setting career goals and looking for work, including special considerations for job seekers with disabilities.
A joint effort of Career Mosaic and Ability magazine, this web site offers employers the opportunity to post job openings and search an online resume bank. Individuals with disabilities can search for jobs by geographical area or job category.
N.O.A.H.E. Home Employment Database – Promoting Home Employment For People With Disabilities
Part of a personal website, this page offers a useful list of briefly annotated links relating to home employment for people with disabilities.
National Business and Disability Council
The National Business & Disability Council (NBDC) assists the business community in providing full access to their places of business and employment. In addition to information about the organization and its services to businesses, this site has a resume posting service for college graduates with disabilities to share with Fortune 1000 companies.
Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
Formerly the Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities, the mission of ODEP is “to bring a heightened and permanent long-term focus to the goal of increasing employment of persons with disabilities.” Its website includes information about the office’s programs and services, news, links, local liaisons, and more. The former committee’s excellent publications can be found in the library.
This site, part of disabledperson.com, aims to link employers (who can post jobs) to jobseekers (who can post their resumes). Employers and jobseekers need to register with their e-mail addresses. We visited this site in August 2001 because it was heralded by the generally authoritative disability.gov, and were very disappointed; of the ten most recent companies to register, only one job listed. By December 2001, the site had grown considerably, especially with useful articles and tips; the number of job listings was still very limited, but better.
The Small Business and Self-Employment Service (SBSES)
A service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, located at the Job Accommodation Network, this web site contains information about SBSES and related links.
Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of Employment Support Programs (OESP)
Also called “The Work Site,” the SSA/OESP website provides information about benefits and services for Social Security recipients who want to re-enter the workforce. Separate sections offer a wealth of information for youth with disabilities, employers, beneficiaries, service providers, and advocates. The site also includes information about the new “Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999” and “The Redbook,” a reference source for service providers seeking information about the employment-related provisions of Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security
SSA Work! Social Security Administration Work Incentives Programs
Developed by the Institute for Child Health Policy, this web site explores the SSA PASS and Ticket to Work incentive programs through on-line videos and web links.
Telecommuting for Persons with Disabilities
This unique website provides information and resources relating to telecommunicating options for people with disabilities. It includes pages for telecommuters and employers, as well as an excellent collection of links.
Developed by Virginia Commonwealth University in collaboration with business partners, this web site is a “gateway to information, resources, and services regarding the employment of people with disabilities.” Focusing on employers, the site offers good topical overviews, articles, contact information, and online learning opportunity. Topics covered include disability management, workforce diversity, accommodations, bridge to employment, law and policy, supported employment, and workforce training.
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