HCIA-Sachs and the Health Network conduct “benchmark studies” in which they recognize hospitals and their management teams that demonstrate superior clinical, operational, and financial performance based on various industry benchmarks. In addition to the annual “top 100 hospital” studies, there are studies of specialized hospitals such as cardiovascular, orthopedic, and pediatric. Highlights of the current studies and the full text of past studies can be accessed at no charge; the in depth studies (and customized studies) are available for a fee.
Look up any acute care hospital in the country that treats Medicare patients. The directory includes statistical data on hospital characteristics, services provided. outpatient data, financial reports, inpatient utilization, costs and charges. Additional information is available by subscription.
Health-mart.net is offers comparative hospital inpatient data to consumers, hospital administrators, medical professionals, and managed care managers. It allows for hospital comparisons to be made on the basis of Medicare average charges, average payments, average length of stay and mortality percentages by diagnosis. You will need to register, and your browser must accept cookies. You will get three free searches before they hit you up; there is no indication of the price once you have used your free searches.
JCAHO is an independent, nonprofit organization that evaluates and accredits more than 18,000 hospitals and other health care organizations and programs in the U.S. Use the Quality Check to determine whether a facility is accredited, and to retrieve contact information, accreditation ratings, and performance reports if available. (If your browser is set to alert you for cookies, be prepared to spend a lot of time clicking.) The site also includes other useful information for health care organizations and professionals, the general public, and purchasers, employers, and unions, including an excellent set of annotated links.
U.S. News reviewed information about 6,247 hospitals in the U.S., and ranked them based on reputation, mortality rates, and other factors. This report lists the 173 highest ranking hospitals in 17 medical specialties. You can search for these “best hospitals” by medical speciality and/or geographic area.