To ensure that a child’s individual special education goals are met, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that “Individualized Education Programs” (IEPs) be prepared jointly by school personnel and parents. The following sites provide information and guidance about IEPs and their preparation. For information about the IEP process in each state, check the DRM Regional Resources Directory.
This guide was produced by U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services “to assist educators, parents, and State and local educational agencies in implementing the requirements of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regarding Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for children with disabilities, including preschool-aged children.” Topics covered include: contents of the IEP; additional state and school-system content; the IEP team members; writing the IEP; deciding placement; after the IEP is written; implementing the IEP; reviewing and revising the IEP; what if parents dont agree with the IEP? A sample IEP form, information resources, and federal regulations are also included.
This section of the Kids Together web site includes a 16-page guide to IEP planning, as well as an adaptation check list, information about adapting curricula, and tips on getting what your child needs.
This overview from a dyspraxia web site discusses what to do before the IEP conference; at the meeting; explaining evaluation results; writing the goals and objectives of the IEP; and placement decisions and related services.
Produced by the National Information Center on Children and Youth with Disabilities, “this publication provides substantial guidance regarding the legal requirements for developing a student’s IEP. It is a verbatim reprinting of (a) federal regulations about IEPs, and (b) Appendix A (formerly Appendix C) to the IDEA 97, which is a series of questions and answers about federal regulations on the IEP.”
LD OnLine has compiled an array of informative articles and useful forms to help parents and educators make the most of the I.E.P. process. Topics include “Ten Ways to Take Charge of Your Child’s IEP Meeting or Family Support Plan,” “Seven Habits of Highly Effective IEP Teams,” “Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) For Success,” and more.