- Looking for disability resources from other countries? The sites listed below feature extensive guides to disability resources in their countries and/or represent their country’s major cross-disability organizations. They are geared more for people who live or will be staying in these countries than for tourists or visitors (see Travel Guides – Foreign for those). Since the DRM Guide is intended primarily for American audiences and we do not have the capability of evaluating foreign language sites, only English or bilingual sites are included. However, many of these sites can be used as a starting-off point to link to other disability organizations in their countries.
- General
- DisabilityWorld [added 6/2/01]
- Part of a federally funded project called “IDEAS for the New Millennium,” DisabilityWorld is a web-zine “dedicated to advancing an exchange of information and research about the international independent living movement of people with disabilities.” The zine is published every month or two, and features a wide range of articles (many seem to be reader-contributed) as well as a database of resources which should prove more worthwhile as it grows. Academics and others with an interest in the international disability scene will want to check out this site.
- Rehabilitation International
- Information about this “federation of national and international organizations and agencies working for the prevention of disability, the rehabilitation of people with disabilities and the equalization of opportunities within society on behalf of persons with disabilities and their families throughout the world.”
- The UN and Persons with Disabilities
- Provides information about the United Nations’ activities relating to people with disabilities, including the UN Voluntary Fund on Disability, the Disabled Persons Bulletin, Observances, and Resources.
- World Institute on Disability (WID)
- WID is “a nonprofit, international public-policy center dedicated to carrying out cutting edge research on disability issues and overcoming obstacles to independent living.” WID’s website describes the organization’s major projects.
- Australia
- The Disability Information & Resource Centre South Australia
- A government-funded information, referral and library service.
- Canada
- Council of Canadians with Disabilities
- Information about this national, cross-disability advocacy group whose mission is to “speak out to improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities.” French/English.
- Disability WebLinks
- Information about a wide variety of disability services (e.g., accessibility, education, employment, financial supports, health, housing and residential supports, personal supports, rights, tax programs and transportation) that are available through federal, provincial, and territorial government programs. French/English.
- EnableLink
- This extensive guide from the Canadian Abilities Foundation (CAF) provides links to information about transportation, community information, disability organizations, employment, independent living, products and services, support groups, and numerous other topics of interest to Canadians with Disabilities. French/English.
- Roeher Institute [added 5/20/01]
- Information about this “policy-research and development organization [whose] mission is to generate knowledge, information and skills to secure the inclusion, citizenship, human rights and equality of people with intellectual and other disabilities.” French/English.
- England
- See Great Britain, United Kingdom
- Great Britain
- British Council of Disabled People (BCODP)
- Established by and for people with disabilities, BCODP is an umbrella organization representing some 136 disability groups.
- See also United Kingdom
- India
- National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People
- Information about this nonprofit organization that works with institutions and the government to advocate for disability awareness and promote employment.
- This social organization is dedicated to helping physically challenged people by fitting custom made artificial limbs and hands to amputees in India.
- Japan
- Information Resources for People with Disabilities in JAPAN
- An extensive list of links.
- New Zealand
- Disability Information Services
- An information and referral service for people in the Christchurch area.
- Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA)
- Information about this “umbrella organisation representing people with disabilities, the organisations involved in advocacy on their behalf, and service providers.”
- Enable New Zealand
- “A multi-service resource centre for people with disabilities, their families, health professionals and disability support organisations.”
- Singapore
- The Disabled People’s Association Singapore
- An extensive guide to information, resources and services for people with disabilities in Singapore.
- United Kingdom
- Disability Net
- An extensive personal web site by Dan Cullen that includes hundreds of links. The site is somewhat difficult to navigate; check the Disability Information page for a good categorical list.
- Focus on Disability
- This personal web site by David Cross includes a very extensive and well-organized guide to disability organizations in the U.K. as well as a series of fact sheets on common issues and concerns of people with disabilities in the U.K.
- Related Subjects
- Travel Guides – Foreign
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