- This section describes some neat sites for, by and about kids with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
- Ability OnLine Support Network
- Ability OnLine “is a friendly and safe computer friendship network where children and youth with disabilities or chronic illnesses connect to each other as well as to their friends, family members, caregivers and supporters.” New users must register, after which they receive their own e-mail address and can connect with one another through e-mail or live chats. There are separate areas reflecting a wide variety of topics and age-specific interests, as well as areas for caregivers and healthcare professionals. The registration process, which requires real names and addresses (a keyword is sent to registrants by postal mail) is unwieldy but helps to ensure security. The site claims that online volunteers monitor the public content 24 hours a day.
- Bandaids & Blackboards
- Is inclusion coming your way? This cleverly designed site will help sensitize children to what it’s like to grow up with a medical problem.
- Bearable Times – The Kids’ Hospital Network
- The Bearable Times started out as an online newspaper for and by kids in hospitals, and has evolved into a kids’ club and online support group too. We couldn’t get a sense of how the latter operate or the kind of security available since you have to e-mail for place and times.
- Children with Diabetes – Children’s Corner
- Learn how to cope with diabetes, how to make blood tests and shots as easy as possible, where to find camps or scholarships, how to join the kids and teens mailing lists, and more, in this section of the Children with Diabetes web site.
- Deaf Kids and Youth
- Make a “keypal,” join a discussion forum, contribute your stories or art work, or find out about a mailing list just for deaf kids.
- Disability Central & Active Teen
- Previously listed on this page as @ctive Teen, this website now includes a “general” disability section as well as an “editorial area by teens for teens, including the e-zine for disabled teens, Beyond All Barriers!” The latter includes articles, interviews, etc., some of general interest and some specifically geared to teens. There are also chat rooms and message boards. While we found the site confusing to navigate and the features of mixed quality, this is one of a relatively few decent sites specifically for young adults. Teens that are willing to spend the time here will find articles and interactive opportunities that are really oriented towards them, such as dating, scholarships, and recreation.
- Just Because We Have a Disability Doesn’t Mean We Byte!
- This site, designed by, for and about kids with disabilities, explores visible and invisible disabilities, and provides opportunities for kids with and without disabilities to learn and contribute. There is an excellent list of disability links, but it hasn’t been updated in some time.
- LD OnLine’s KidZone
- This section of LD OnLine features an art gallery and kids’ magazine, as well as things to read, hear, and do.
- The Sibling Support Project
- A web site about brothers and sisters of kids with special needs. Includes a newsletter, resources, workshops info, resources, and more. Though this site is primarily for mom and dads, check out the mailing lists just for siblings.
- Student’s Guide to the IEP
- What is your IEP? Why do you need to be part of your IEP team? How can you help write your own IEP? NICHCY’s Student’s Guide to the IEP gives kids the information they need.
- WOW Online!
- The web site of Winners On Wheels (WOW), a non-profit social and recreational program for children who use wheelchairs. Provides information about basic internet surfing skills, offers youngsters an opportunity see their creative genius displayed, and provides e-mail based pen-pal connections.
Got a site for kids with disabilities? Let us know!
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