Assistive devices may be “high tech” or “low tech.” This section focuses on information about low-tech products that can make everyday living easier.
AARP Universal Design Home Modification Devices
Check this site for tips on everything from doorknobs and windows to kitchen and bath, storage, lighting, steps and walkways, and more.
There are thousands of products that can make life easier for people with disabilities, and you’ll probably find the one you want on this federally funded project’s website. Click on “Get Product Info” to access the incredible database of about 25,000 assistive devices, and check out the “Reading Room” for fact sheets and consumer guides. Don’t forget to explore the wide range of categorized links.
ABLEDATA’s Informed Consumer Guide to Assistive Products for People with Temporary Disabilities
A good overview of everyday devices and services that may be helpful to people with short-term disabilities. Distributor information is included.
Design Linc Product Information
Lists of companies that offer equipment for kitchens, bathrooms, and other ADLs.
Related Subjects
Assistive Technology (Index)
Architecture/Home Modification
Universal Design
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