For information about Multiple Sclerosis, check these sites:
Computer Literate Advocates for Multiple Sclerosis (CLAMS)
Focusing on “Computer Information and Communication for People with MS, by People with MS,” this website features a diverse array of links to MS and disability-related sites, including a list of doctors recommended by people with MS.
International MS Support Foundation
The website of a nonprofit organization (though written more like the personal home page of its founder), this site features a diverse array of pages, ranging from doctors’ articles to personal postings.
MS Crossroads
This personal homepage by Aapo Halko offers an extensive list of MS links, broadly arranged by topic.
MS World
This interactive site provides peer support through regularly scheduled online chats, a bulletin board, a magazine, and a library of previous chat transcripts.
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA)
The website of this nonprofit organization offers information about MS and information about its own services, which include a lending library, clinic and doctor referrals, therapeutic equipment loans, housing, etc.
Multiple Sclerosis: Hope Through Research
This brochure from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) provides an excellent overview of MS, its causes, course, diagnosis, and treatment. Also available on the NINDS site is a list of Multiple Sclerosis Research Centers.
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Inc.
The MS Foundation website offers individuals an opportunity to explore alternative as well as conventional treatments for MS through interviews with a variety of doctors and related information.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS)
This extensive website includes information about multiple sclerosis, including definitions, glossary, diagnosis, medications, treatments and therapies, daily living, and research; access to information in other languages; and information about the organization and its local chapters.
World of Multiple SclerosisThe home page of the International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies, this site provides general information, news, and FAQs about MS in several languages, and a list of national MS societies around the world.
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