This web site would not be possible without the support of the Verizon (formerly Bell Atlantic) Foundation, a major underwriter, and other companies, organizations and individuals that support our efforts to disseminate information about resources for independent living. Please contact or visit them online. If you would like to be a Disability Resources sponsor, please contact us for additional information.
Able Newspaper is an established, widely known publication in the disability community; a monthly newspaper that is published for, by and about the disabled, with the focus on the Able. Able’s readers include people with disabilities, families and friends of people with disabilities, involved professionals, volunteers and other interested parties. The paper features: all the news that pertains to people with disabilities, a calendar of events, columns written by various experts, a variety of informative articles in a large type format, and personal ads. Contact Able News, PO Box 395, Old Bethpage, NY 11804 or visit Able online at (10/31/00)
Many individuals with disabilities, parents, family members and professionals have written fine books but cannot get the attention of traditional publishers. Now, you can publish your book and/or bring back your out-of-print books. Have you and/or an organization published monographs or reports that deserve a worldwide audience? Such materials can now be books! Once accepted, your book will be available in two months! As the Series Editor for the People with Disabilities Press, in collaboration with, I screen manuscripts and assist in marketing. Contact me for the details. Stanley D. Klein, Ph.D., e-mail (10/31/01)
VCI Mobility specializes in new and used wheelchair vans. They also offer handicap vans and other pieces of mobility equipment, such as wheelchair ramps, to assist people with special needs and disabilities. You can visit VCI Mobility online at