The transition from childhood to adulthood is difficult for most teens. Those with disabilities encounter additional challenges as they move from the protective environments of youth to independence in postsecondary programs, colleges or careers. These resources provide valuable information for young adults and their families.
With separate sections for professionals, parents, and teens, this useful website provides information about many transitional issues. A “transition timeline” and many additional resources are provided.
The HEATH Resource Center is the national clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individuals with disabilities. Its web site includes an electronic newsletter and other articles, commonly asked questions (such as what is the best school for students with learning disabilities, how can I file a grievance, and where can I find financial aid), and other resources. Don’t forget to check out the publications sections on the Center’s gopher site; it’s chock full of useful materials.
NCYD is “an information, policy and dissemination center for youth with disabilities.” Check out its newsletter and bibliographic publications here.
NCYD also maintains the National Resource Library, a comprehensive database of sources of information related to youth with chronic or disabling conditions and their families, with a special focus on transition.
The NTA is a federally funded program designed to promote the transition of youth with disabilities toward desired postschool experiences, including gainful employment, postsecondary education and training, and independent living. NTA’s web site includes a series of “School to Work Fact Sheets” on legislation, disability information and etiquette, and a school to work transition checklist; an “Employer Toolkit” with practical resources for employers and service providers; and the Alliance Newsletter. There is also a resource section, databases, and model program information. (The resource section contains links to transition resource sheets by state, downloadable in Adobe Acrobat format.
TATRA is a federally program that provides technical assistance to six Rehabilitation Act Parent Training Projects which are designed to inform individuals with disabilities and their families about the Rehabilitation Act and vocational rehabilitation and independent living services. The web site features articles, conference announcements, links, and the TATRA newsletter, Point of Departure.