
These sites contain information about ground and air transportation for travelers with disabilities.
Accessible Mass Transit
A fact sheet about mass transportation for people who are blind or visually impaired.
Air Carrier Access Act: Common Questions And Answers About Air Travel For Wheelchair Users
An excellent guide to the Air Carrier Access Act for consumers from the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles
The Access Board’s minimum guidelines and requirements for accessibility standards to be issued by the Department of Transportation for vehicles that are required to be accessible by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)
The Community Transportation Association of America is an association of organizations and individuals committed to improving mobility for all people, including the 26 million older Americans, many who do not drive; more than 24 million individuals with disabilities; and 25 million adults and children in poor families. Geared for professionals, the site includes information on issues such as employment transportation, non-emergency medical transportation, mobility for seniors and disabled residents, rural challenges, and coordination with human services.
Information for Airline Passengers with Disabilities
Links from the Federal Aviation Administration to documents relating to accessibility.
Mobility for All: Accessible Transportation Around the World
Prepared by Tom Rickert of Access Exchange International and subtitled “A guide to making transportation accessible for persons with disabilities and elders in countries around the world,” this online publication discusses advocacy for access to transport around the world; some aspects of access to streets and pathways, shelters and waiting areas, and bus stops; and access to transit vehicles.
New Horizons: Information for the Air Traveler with a Disability
This publication from the U.S. Department of Transportation provides detailed information on planning a trip, using airport facilities, boarding and deboarding planes, and in-flight information for travelers with disabilities.
Plane Talk
An overview of the Air Carrier Access Act from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of General Counsel.
Project Action
Project ACTION (Accessible Community Transportation in Our Nation) is a national technical assistance program designed to improve access to transportation for people with disabilities under the the Americans with Disabilities Act. Its web site includes project information, FAQs, forums, publications (some downloadable), newsletters, and a wonderful database of accessible transportation resources in cities throughout the U.S.
The Project Action website now includes the COACH website, a project that provides free information about training programs that teach people with disabilities how to use public transportation, and training programs that teach transit providers how to best serve their passengers with disabilities. Check out the COACH online database.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)
A technical site which includes a variety of research documents relating to transportation and people with disabilities. Use the term “disabilities” on the search engine to locate them.
Steps Taken to Ensure New Security Requirements Preserve and Respect the Civil Rights of People with Disabilities [added 12/19/01]
This fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Transportation (released Oct. 29, 2001; amended Dec. 6, 2001) provides information about the accessibility requirements in air travel in light of strengthened security measures following the terrorist attacks of 9/11. (This site is also listed under Transportation.)
Travel Training for Youth with Disabilities
This NICHCY Transition Summary focuses on training people with disabilities to use public transportation safely and independently. The articles include information about the essential components of a successful travel training program, the specific skills that travelers need to ensure safe and independent travel, and the issues that arise with specific disabilities such as physical, cognitive, and visual impairments.
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) – Access to Transportation
This page of the DOT website links to a variety of transportation resources, laws and regulations, and related resources. A list of DOT contacts for ADA information or complaints is also included.
U.S. Department of Transportation – Disability Resource Center (DRC)
Do you work for the DOT? The Disability Resource Center was established in 1999 “to ensure that employees with disabilities can participate fully in all aspects of the Department’s work, programs, and services.”
U.S. Department of Transportation – Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
The FTA website has numerous documents relating to the transportation provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, but they are not grouped together. Use the search engine on the main page.
White Buffalo Press Special Needs Transportation Handbook
Produced by a special education transportation coordinator for a Texas school district, this comprehensive guide to school bus transportation for students with disabilities should be useful for parents, teachers, drivers, and administrators.
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