In addition to its numerous awards, Disability Resources Monthly has been recognized by professional and consumer publications in a wide variety of fields. Here are some of their comments:
New Mobility, Oct. 1999
“We Love This Newsletter
“One of the things I’ve noticed about online disability message boards and newsgroups is that they’re always full of requests for information, sometimes commonplace, sometimes esoteric: “Where can I purchase a used lift-equipped van?” “Is there someone out there who can train my chihuahua as a service dog?” “My boss just fired me for keying his car because it was parked in a handicapped spot – can I sue the bastard?” Wading through all these queries can be annoying, but I don’t dare complain. After all, I may be in need of a clue or two myself some day.
“If you’re a crip in need of info, check out Disability Resources Monthly. This well-produced newsletter is chock-full of straightforward explanations, phone numbers, addresses, book titles and Web site URLs on issues pertaining to all types of disabilities. DRM also maintains an easy-to-navigate Web site (….” — Douglas Lathrop
American Libraries, Jan. 1994
“Disability Resources Monthly is a succinct, up-to-date, four-page newsletter that premiered in August full of information about unusual and hard-to-find services for people with disabilities. A sampling of the September and October issues gleans articles on funding resources such as scholarships, loans, grants, and awards, and a short piece on free correspondence courses on audiocassette for visually impaired people. All types of resources are described, including a guide to closed-captioned video, a consumer survey of lightweight wheelchairs, an 800 number to call for information about depressive disorders, and the location of a resource center for farmers and ranchers with physical disabilities.”
OT Week, Nov. 3, 1994
“[The editor], a librarian who specializes in resources related to disability, helps people discover the best publications and other tools by summarizing new disability resources – from travel guidebooks to pamphlets on parenting to on-line networking groups….”
Public Libraries, Nov./Dec. 1995
“This four-page newsletter, prepunched for three-ring binders, identifies books, pamphlets, organizations, videotapes, and computer-based resources that offer information to and about people with disabilities. Information is available not only for widely recognized groups, such as people with deafness or wheelchair users, but also for specialized groups, such as parents of children with disabilities in U.S. military communities. A sample of subjects referenced in one year includes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), assistive technology, educational inclusion, financial aid sources, housing, parents with disabilities, telecommunications, and wheelchair selection. Reviews of publications are timely (almost all resources cited in 1994 were published in 1993 or 1994) and often indicate items from small, lesser known companies and organizations….
“Given the wide range of information needed by people with disabilities and those associated with them, this newsletter is a worthwhile and relatively inexpensive way to find a very wide range of resources. I highly recommend it.”
DRM has also been featured in:
Able, Able Inform BBS, Advance for Physical Therapists, CE Network News, Closing the Gap, Computer-Disability News, Contemporary Rehabilitation, Fanlight News, Interface, International Rehabilitation Review, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, Library Hotline, Link-Up, Marketing Treasures, MLA News, PN/Paraplegia News, PT Bulletin, Sibling Information Network Newsletter, and many others.