- The inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of life seems at first like a fairly straightforward and unobjectionable concept, yet it is one of America’s biggest challenges and the cause of considerable controversy. What is inclusion? How can we make it happen for our children, ourselves, and our society? How can we train and support the people who can play an instrumental role in the process? These sites discuss these issues and more. Information about inclusion can also be found in many related sections of The DRM WebWatcher.
- Barrier Free Education; Resources for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities into Math and Science Education
- A resource site to help students with disabilities gain access to math and science education, this Georgia Tech website includes resources, research, a listserv, and related material.
- Center for Community Inclusion (CCI)
- This website provides information about The Center for Community Inclusion, Maines University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Services. The Center is “partnership of people which brings together the resources of the community and the University to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families throughout their lives. We achieve our mission through interdisciplinary education, community services, applied research and evaluation, and dissemination of information ….”
- The Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
- Based at the University of Vermont, “The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion (CDCI), in collaboration with individuals with disabilities, their families and communities, will promote the independence, inclusion, participation, and personal choice of individuals with disabilities of all ages in all environments through the development and enhancement of culturally sensitive and responsive services and supports, interdisciplinary training, technical assistance, exemplary service models, research, dissemination of information, and advocacy for the legal and civil rights of individuals with disabilities.” The website provides information about the Center and its project, and related links.
- Center on Human Policy
- “The Center on Human Policy (CHP) is a Syracuse University based policy, research, and advocacy organization involved in the national movement to insure the rights of people with disabilities. Since its founding, the Center has been involved in the study and promotion of open settings (inclusive community opportunities) for people with disabilities.” The site includes information about the center, publications, links, and related materials.
- Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education
- Published at Wright State University, this is a peer-reviewed electronic journal which deals with research concerning inclusive education with scholarly contributions from faculty and graduate students.
- Including Your Child
- This easy-to-read introductory handbook from the U.S. Department of Education provides information about all aspects of early childhood inclusion. Resources are provided.
- Inclusion
- “This web site [from the Renaissance Group at the University of Northern Iowa] is designed for general education teachers, special education teachers, parents, and school staff to help provide some answers about how inclusive education can be accomplished. Resources for making accommodations are included as well as links to other web sites and resource lists for learning more about inclusive education.” Topics covered included philosophy, legal requirements, teacher competencies, teaching strategies, decision-making, preparing for inclusion, and related resources.
- Inclusion Research Institute (IRI) [added 2/25/02]
- This website provides information about IRI, a nonprofit organization whose primary purpose “is to develop, research, and disseminate educational, therapeutic, and technological innovations that enable persons of all ages, including individuals with disabilities or other disadvantages to be independent, productive and included in schools, communities, and places of employment.” The page provides direct links to IRI projects, including the National Parent Coalition, the National Campaign for Children’s Oral Health, AbleKids, Project Leadership, Self-directed Support Corporations, Monday Morning in Washington, DC, and Disability Preparedness.
- Inclusive Schools: Good for Kids, Families & Communities
- This site was developed by the National Institute for Urban School Improvement to celebrate National Inclusive Schools Week (Dec. 3-7, 2001). The Celebration Kit, in particular, includes publications that speak to the benefits of inclusive schools, suggested readings for children and adults, a lengthy list of celebration ideas and lesson plans, and promotional materials.
Inclusion & Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide Information about this Disability Resources project includes background information, terminology, books and videotapes, and more.
- Inclusive Connections
- A three-year project designed to disseminate validated practices which facilitate the inclusion of students with severe disabilities in their neighborhood schools and communities.
- Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI)
- “The Institute for Community Inclusion supports the rights of children and adults with disabilities to participate in all aspects of the community. As practitioners, researchers, and teachers, we form partnerships with individuals, families and communities. Together we advocate for personal choice, self-determination, and social and economic justice.” Its website includes information about the Institute, access to some of its excellent publications, and related information and links.
- Kids Together, Inc.
- Though focusing primarily on Pennsylvania resources, this easy-to-use inclusion site includes useful information and and links to federal legislation, assistive tech info, and more.
- Planning for Inclusion
- This News Digest from the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities provides a brief overview of inclusion issues and an extensive list of resources .
- Related Subjects
- Education
- Housing
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Just for Parents (and Service Providers)
- Sports
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(c) 1997-2013 Disability Resources, inc.