- Scroll down to find the subject or disability that interests you. A red asterisk (*) indicates cross-disability interest.
- Safety (Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities) *
- Scholarships (Higher Education – Funding) *
- Schizophrenia
- Schools (Education) *
- Scooters (Wheelchairs and Scooters) *
- Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973) *
- Section 508 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973) *
- Self-Determination *
- Self-Help Groups (Support Groups) *
- Septo-Optic Dysplasia (S.O.D.)
- Service Dogs *
- Sexuality *
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Shareware (Assistive Technology – Shareware, Freeware & Demos) *
- Shoes (Adaptive Clothing and Shoes) *
- Shprintzen Syndrome (Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome)
- Sign Language
- Sleep Disorders
- Social Security *
- Social Work *
- Software (Assistive Technology – Shareware, Freeware & Demos) *
- Sotos Syndrome
- Spasmodic Torticollis (Dystonia)
- Specific Disabilities (Index)
- Speech Disorders (Communication Disorders)
- Spina Bifida
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Spirit of ADA Torch Relay 2000 *
- Sports and Recreation *
- Statistics *
- Streaming Videos (Disability Videos Online) *
- Stroke
- Stuttering
- Substance Abuse and People with Disabilities *
- Suicide (Life & Death Issues: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, Right-to-Die) *
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Children *
- Support Groups *
- Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia)
- Switches *
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus)
- (c) 1997-2013 Disability Resources, inc.